Thursday, October 23, 2008

Anna, Anna, Wherefore Art Thou, Anna?

So...I figured that by now, some of you who are following this blog may be wondering why Anna hasn't made an appearance yet. (or maybe you're thinking that Leah and I are a tad bit looooooney and we just made her up, but rest assured that only half of that statement is true!)

Anyhoo...Anna is currently in the midst of the biggest adventure (wait, I'm not sure that's going to read right...try again)

Anna is currently in the midst of the biggest MISadventure (ok...a little bit closer, but I'm still not sure it's going to translate properly)

(ok, here goes....)

Anna is currently in the midst of the biggest MESS of her she's a little preoccupied at the moment.
But that's the thing about's messy sometimes. Did Anna create all of her own mess? Not at all. Rarely do any of us create ALL of the mess we find ourselves in. But pulling oneself out of the mess and attempting to clean up afterwards can be a bitch if the other messies refuse to acknowledge their role in things. Unfortunately, that's where our Anna finds herself right now.

So the rest of the Ya-Ya club has been on full alert for the past several weeks. I was able to spend two weeks with Anna and Leah when the first distress call came. Leah, in her typical way of magically making things happen, called me on a Thursday morning to tell me that Anna's world had just caved in, and had me booked on a flight Friday morning. That's just Leah.

And that's how the Ya-Yas work...all for one, and one for all.



Leah said...

rest assured...anna is checking in daily. in fact, she is currently hanging out with a bunch of "bubbas" as she likes to call them because her kitchen cabinets and countertops are being replaced. im not sure...but i think she may be entranced by all the buttcracks in her house now! lol

Anna said...

I am not surrounded by bubbas!! It is just one at the moment and he is very nice and a hard worker...

Lyn said...


Lyn said...


Lyn said...


Debbi said...

mmmmmmm... Some buttcracks ARE better than others! I concur! lol

Leah said...

only if the buttcrack belongs to Jason Statham...aka the Transporter