Monday, October 20, 2008

Communication is KEY...

...or in our case, more like KEYBOARD.

Anna and Leah live in the same state about an hour away from one another. I live 6oo miles away from the two of them. Cell phone texting has become a way of life for us. (not to worry, though...we all have unlimited texting plans!)

Before texting became such a huge phenomenon, we talked on the phone A LOT. But all three of us are mothers. With living, breathing kids. Every mother alive knows that one of the first "natural" laws of motherhood is that the minute you pick up any kind of phone to have an actual conversation with a person on the other end is the EXACT minute every child in your house will appear (seemingly out of nowhere) and demand every ounce of your attention in the form of food needs, beverage needs, homework needs, boy troubles, girl troubles, friend troubles, I'm mad at dad troubles, I don't know what to wear troubles, I can't find my shoes troubles, and so on......

A mother must have invented phone texting....absofrickinlutely genius!!!

So now my sisters and I can carry on conversations whenever we like no matter what form of chaos is going on around us AND not have to worry about daughters above the age of 7 quietly hanging around the corner eavesdropping, hoping to catch some juicy family gossip.

"Oh no!" I hear Phoebe call from the other room. ("who the heck is Phoebe?" I hear you asking....)
"Oh no!" There she goes again.
I go to the other room, grab my phone....two new text messages have arrived =)

You got it....Phoebe is my phone. I named her so because my text message alert is a voice clip of Phoebe from FRIENDS saying "oh no!" in one of her classic moments on the show. Why did I do this? Because news travels fast in my family. Bad news travels even faster. And often. And I have a twisted sense of humor.

Eighty percent of the texts I receive are from Leah or Anna....which makes me happy....MOST of the time. Except for one small, minor detail....

Leah's phone has serious issues when it comes to texting, which I've decided can only be explained by one of the following reasons:
1. It's in the early stages of dementia or alzheimer's and clearly it just can't help it's behavior
2. It suffers from a severe case of ADD
3. It's just plain evil and takes joy in the fact that it totally f***s with me by confusing the conversation so much that I just give up and then sit around wondering if I need to up my meds

So now I guess I should clarify the problem. Leah's phone doesn't always text in real time....sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Occasionally, it takes several hours to get one of her texts. OR, it will send all the texts it's supposed to within a reasonable time frame, but it will do so in a completely random I have to try and make sense of the conversation on my end.

Case in point on the first instance: Once when I was visiting Leah, we were hanging out with a couple of friends on a Friday night. It was getting late and we still had to drive almost and hour to get back to her house, and she wanted to be subtle and inform me that she thought it would be best if we left before too long. So she texted me. I received that text about 2 hours later...just about the time that we were pulling into her driveway, ALREADY HOME!!!.....yeah, I hate her phone.

But I love my Ya-Yas. And if I didn't get to talk to them every day, I'd probably go crazy. So, evil phone or not, I'd just like to say God Bless Texting...and my girls.



Debbi said...

HAHAHAHAH-- LOVE the Phoebe Phone! The "Oh no" a la Pheebs is too frikken awesome! How I love that.

Leah said...

ok..i admit my phone is crazy just like all the little people in my head, but where would you be without me? Anyways, I am thinking that perhaps you enjoy being stalked by my possessed phone. In fact let's admit girl...stalking is one of the things we yayas do best :)

Lyn said...

debbi~ glad you like the Phoebe Phone! My absolute fave Phobe-Phone moment had to be the last time I visited my soon as the plane landed and I turned my phone back on, I started getting the "oh no!" text alerts...but rather than responding to them right away, I just kept the phone in my purse and continued to look around bewildered like everyone else on the plane, as if I was wondering what in the heck could possibly be going wrong! =)...this is why I love my Phoebe-Phone

Leah~ I maintain that I still hate your phone...but I LOVE you..and all your voices =) And I truly DON'T know where I'd be without you!! ....and stalking???? us????


B said...

I'm laughing so hard right now. I loved reading the mental text story.

Is it bad to say I envy the relationship you have with your sisters?